The beginning

I started this website in September 2019 after a lot of years of learning and testing . Maybe taking action is the most difficult thing of all .                            I will try to update my website regularly so stay tuned !

The online journey

I am a “forever student” and i learn things  everyday  that are related to internet marketing , passive income , investing , freelacing , blogging , cryptocurrencies , youtube , seo , social media etc . My goal is to create informative posts , guides and suggest methods about ways to earn money from your computer . Work anywhere you want . That’s my dream . I watch tutorials  , read articles and take courses . My favourite sources are youtube , udemy and above all skillshare . I will create posts and describe everything in detail .

My goal is to help you

I want to combine everything i learn and create easy to follow guides for you . Even if you are a total beginner you will get to know everything you need to start making money online . And if you are more experienced you will find some hacks that others don’t reveal easily .

Let’s get connected

If you ever get stacked somewhere you are not alone . Don’t hesitate to contact me (see contact page) and ask for help .